Waking up to hairs all over your pillow or noticing the lush locks you once had starting to fizzle out…? You’re not alone. Growing your hair and preventing hair loss is damn hard, but we’ve got all the insight on a device that can help promote hair growth - all from the comfort of your own home. 

Derma rolling for the scalp - also known as micro-needling is making waves due to its clinically proven benefits for improving hair health, stimulating hair growth and helping people who suffer from hair loss, particularly male and female pattern baldness.

Ok, did we lose you at “needling?" Don't worry, stick with us while we explain all you need to know about this game-changing device. 

It promotes hair growth & healthier Hair 

When you derma roll your scalp, you create micro-wounds that activate your skin's wound healing response. As the needles penetrate the first layer of your scalp, they trigger your skins healing system, helping your body produce more of its growth hormone, resulting in thicker, healthier hair.

It can help other treatments work more effectively

Studies show that Derma rollers can also enhance the absorption of topical treatments by bypassing the upper skin layer called the Epidermis. This can improve the effectiveness of our Shampoo and conditioner pack or any other topical treatments you are using. 

The needles are tiny (ok, small)

While the thought of needles makes us feel faint, the truth is, these needles are small and you control the pressure - depending on your pain threshold, you may feel a prickly sensation but nothing that should have you reaching for the Kleenex. 

Results are fairly quick

Ok, we live life “on demand” these days and expect everything at the tap of a button, so let’s reign in our expectations here to make sure they are realistic.

There are several factors that influence hair growth such as age, sex, diet and overall general health, so it’s difficult to predict individual results.

However, generally speaking the evidence suggests you could expect to see initial results within 2-3 months of regular derma rolling.

It’s easy to integrate into your weekly routine 

We know you lead a busy life and the thought of adding another process to your beauty regime might seem overwhelming. But, here’s the good news: the derma roller is pretty quick. One application takes about 5 minutes - so you’ll still have time for all the important things. We recommend using the derma roller 2-3 times a week.


Ready for your hair to thrive? Try Inspired-Luxe Roller here.

If you're experiencing an unusual amount of hair loss, or symptoms persists, always seek medical advice.

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